Casual Top

The intent of this energetic portal in the form of a website is to promote a platform for creating and supporting resonance with expansive energies and consciousness and to foster healing, shifts, and illumined awareness of the creative and inter-connected aspect of our life experience.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Leo Leotardi

AP: age progression AR: age regression CB: clothes burst or rip UC: undersized clothing AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too RN: return to normal

"I'm not a baby!" Leo Leotardi insists, but his family just won't listen. Leo doesn't want lumpy oatmeal ("Poopie," he says); he wants waffles and syrup. The family (including Leo's older siblings) don't seem to notice that, while Leo may be the baby of the family, he isn't actually a baby anymore. His bonnet is getting too tight, his clothes are bursting at the seams, and he doesn't need to take naps! Will the poor boy have to go to college wearing booties?

Young man Anomy can step back in time to alter key events, making people miserable by undoing joyous events in their lives. 4-year-old princesses Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm want to stop the Dastard, and travel to an alternate world to switch themselves with their adult versions. Becka, a girl who can transform into a dragon, becomes the Dastard's travelling companion. The Sea Hag steals adult Melody's body, and gains Melody's reality-altering powers."They turned out to be age nineteen, but were a decade downtime from him, so as they traveled east they grew younger. When each passed twelve, her large bare breasts faded out and her body became spare.When they cantered up to his house they ranged from age nine for Cheline down to age six for Chel."... suddenly they were twenty years old, full grown. They gazed at each other, awed. "We're beautiful," Melody said."Lovely," Harmony agreed."Phenomenal," Rhythm concluded."And I'm huge," Sim peeped.

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